Monday, 14 March 2011

My day in picture - Day 1

This is what my evening was supposed to entail, lots and LOTS of essaying (4 this week) lots of reading, whilst eating my yummy tea (it was sooo hard to stop eating long enough to take the picture) and snacking on some chocolate!!

Unfortunately, I have so far spent the night reading Hornblower, doing my hair and working on a surprise for my Momma!!

Not the most productive of evenings :\

Today would have been my Grandads birthday. One night this week, I will find an old man pub and go for a pint in his honour.



  1. Oh Kia thats lovely!
    Love you lots petal.
    Mum xxxxxxxxxx

  2. Hi Kia im your swop partner how extrondinary that we got paired together i'm also from South Yorks and I have not found your blog before but have had a look at your mum's. Looking forward to the swop. Debs XX

  3. Hi Kia glad you liked it - I can't wait to get mine.
