My Momma told me to do this ages ago, but I am just now getting round to it, I have neglected my blog recently :(
So here are 7 things which I feel you don't need to know about me!!
1) I treat my iPhone like a child. To be fair, like a child who I put in my handbag and can make calls from, but I love it as much as I imagine I'd love a child. I talk to him, (he is male) and call him by its name, iPhone 4 :)
This leads on to number 2,
2) I name EVERYTHING! All my appliances and plants etc all have names. My laptop is called Toppy, my Camera is called Kody, and at home, I have 2 Cacti, one called Bertie the other Reggie. I also make everyone else refer to these things by name also!
I feel I should point out here that I am not crazy!!!
3) I go through periods of small obssessions with characters from TV shows :S My first (not counting Thomas the Tank Engine) was Jack Bauer from 24, then it was Indiana Jones, then Gene Hunt and now it is Horatio Hornblower :)
4) I have more than 80 dresses in my wardrobe, all of which are lovely, yet I spent most of my time in a pair of demin shorts :\
5) At uni, I am an amazing chef, housekeeper, entertainer etc, but when I go home, I for some reason lose all these skills, and need my Mum to do everything for me :P
She enjoys it though!!
6) I hate EVERYONE!! I'm sorry if you are reading this under the impression that I am fond of you, I'm not!!
I'm not
quite as bad as that, but I am extremely irritable, and I just don't like people very much!!
I like to pretend I am cool, but I play World of Warcraft! I am massively proud that I have a level 61, which I levelled all by myself! :)