Hello Bloggers, (so bascially, Hi Momma :D)
I do apologise for not having blogged in a while, I've been most preoccupied with my new job!! I am now part of the three store family! So basically I spend my days conning people in to buying over-priced crappy phones which they do not need or most of the time actually want!! But, even if I say so myself, I'm pretty darn good at it, and make a good deal of money through commission (though what this says about my character is a bit dubious, I (sometimes) feel bad about talking people in to contracts. but mostly I just want to go on holiday in October, so need my commission!!)
Despite the money, there are numerous downsides to working in a mobile phone shop, the most obvious being that mine is located in Barnsley, so the majority of my customers are the typical Barnsley folk, who generally I don't mind, as long as they don't talk to me!!! They are chavvy and often accompanied by bratty children, who throw their sausage rolls on the floor, making the carpet greasy and squirt us with their gator-ade, whilst the parents argue over whose turn it is to cook tea, trying to draw me in to the argument, when all I actually want to do is slap them with my demo phone, especially as they took my precious iPhone 4 off me and replaced it with an iPhone 3G, which, as everyone knows, is soooo last June!!! Oh, and in case you were wondering, as a compromise, the arguing chavvy couple settled on a Greggs for tea!!
Now, as I was saying, I don't mind most people, as long as they do not try to converse with me, but, as irritating and inconvenient as it may be, I do have to engage in conversation with people to sell them phones! And most people are incapable of speaking correctly!! Seriously, they are not able to utter a single complete sentance without at least twelve stupid, lazy and ignorant mistakes, all of which make me want to kick them in the shins and shout "learn to speak English, you utter MORON!" Unfortunately, I would be fired, so I refrain from doing so, as hard as it may be sometimes!!! If I'm in a extremely bad mood however, and my manager is not hovering near me, I will often pretend to not have a clue as to what they saying, understanding only when they repeated themselves several times and grown quite irate!! (My job really is that boring!!)
Not only can they not speak English, they often struggle to understand it, which is most aggitating, as I speak English beautifully, (I'm too annoyed to be modest!!) so they have no excuse not to understand, they are just stupid!! They ask the mpst ridiculous of questions, and since I don't actually know anything about mobile phones, I make up a load of crap and they buy it, hahaha!!
I also get some really really rude customers, who seem to think they are better than me, as I am serving them in a shop!! I'm not sure what I get greater satisfaction from, the fact that their arrogance often earns me a lot in commission, or the look of shock when their application get declined!! In fact, I think I'd fore-go the money, for the delight of saying, in a voice dripping with sarcasm, "Oh, I'm so very sorry sir, you've been declined. And you were so sure you were going to pass. That is a shame."
For those who don't know me, I am actually a really nice person, I just have a horrid job. Everyday I have to deal with abuse from people, none of which is ever deserved, and I am expected to just take it. I don't, but I am expected to, with is most annoying! But I only have afew weeks left, and as I said before, its paying for me to go to Tunisia!! :D We do from time to time get a nice customer, and we rave about them for weeks on end, they are that rare!!
On a happier note, I have been making good progress with my embroidery, and its looking really awesome!! I'll post a picture tomorrow!! I'm in bed just now, listening to Mumford and Sons and about to watch House, so Night night Xxxx